Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Day's Worth of Travel for Two Years of Fun

After a fun 21 days of leave, in which my boyfriend flew up from the schoolhouse to spend a week of with me, he and I both headed back down to Biloxi, MS where I would then fly out of to come to Japan. (On a side note, driving away from him that morning was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do.)

I was not fortunate enough to get on the Patriot Express (thanks for making life difficult Keesler), so I flew commerical from Gulfport to Houston, Houston to Tokyo-Narita, Tokyo Narita-Hiroshima, and then two of my SNCO's (staff non-commissioned officers) picked me up and drove me to base. I got ripped off on the cab ride from base to the Gulfport airport....myself and some airman had to pay $20 a piece of a $29 cab ride. My friend Jane from Australia bought me a Japanese dictionary so I spent a lot of my time just reading that between flights to keep myself occupied.

Lunch of the plane was ok, unlike everyone else I did not receive any salad dressing. I had to ask for a menu, unlike everyone else who had one in their seat pocket. I had to ask for a pair of earphones and then wait a very very long time to get them to show me where to plug them in. They did give us chopsticks and a fork for lunch, so I figured I would try my luck to get use to the culture. Lunch consisted of: salad with shrimp, beef/broccoli/read peppers and rice="Beef Yakiniku"). Then ended lunch by watching the movie "Battle for LA" and "Glee".

After a nap, it seemed like I still could not get anything to work on the plane because now my speakers stopped working and my tv had to be reset, but I learned that Haagen-Daaz Vanilla Ice Cream is AMAZING!

The rest of the trip went smoothly. At the airport I had to collect my things in Tokyo-Narita and have them put back on the plane for Hiroshima. I got to the base at night and was taken to the JRC (Junior Receiving Barracks) and then my SNCO's took me on a tour of base even though it was too dark to make out anything they were pointing out. Two girls from my boot camp platoon came over though to chit chat before I finally passed out.

Next: The start of shift work for a weather Marine....

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